Bookings can be made online. Enquiries can be emailed and we will contact you when we can.
Address: 53 Graham St Nowra
Phone: 0455 331 468
Email enquiries can be sent to
(copy and paste into your email app)
Bookings can be made online via the bookings page.
(Please note: Bookings can only be made online up to 3 hours before service starts. Otherwise, call the restaurant)
Accessibility @ Farmgate
Farmgate Restaurant is fully accessible. A disable car parking space is available exclusively for our customers in the carpark at the rear of the building. Another disable car parking space is available in the council carpark nearby. Ramp access is available from the carpark entrance at the rear of the building.
A platform lift is available from the Graham Street entrance for wheelchairs, walkers, strollers and other users requiring an alternative to the stairs. This is operated by staff so please call for assistance.
As well as male and female amenities there is a disable toilet. The deck and the restaurant floor are level. For more details about our accessibility, please email